Re: XB40  vs  Suzuki Promaster valved

In a message dated 3/15/04 12:37:27 PM, paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=20

> have you any tips =A0for a mature absolute beginner with NO musical=20
> experience.
    I was in that boat when I started playing harp. The only tip I can give=20
you with absolute certainty is that you will become frustrated many times ov=
but it's my opinion that musical talent is secondary to persistence in this=20
matter. I have been playing now for 25 years, but the first 20 were stop and=
start and not a clue what I was doing. I have learned more in the last 5 yea=
than in those first 20. Be prepared to sound bad, and be willing to overlook=
that. Don't try to cut corners, put in the practice time. Find musical frien=
who are willing to put up with your beginner status and let you try to play=20
along with something they are doing.
Stay on this list... it's got everything you need as far as resources go.
Go to the Buckeye Harmonica Festival. Go to SPAH. Listen to music as much as=
you can. And after spending all that time and money and frustration, somewhe=
down the line, you will find yourself looking back in amazement at how far=20
you have come.

Steve "Moandabluz" Webb
still a fool for the harp

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